About Me

My photo
As of March 27, 2009, I completed my Master's degree of Transformative Arts from the Art and Consciousness Program in the Department of Holistic Studies at John F. Kennedy University. The picture is a self portrait taken outside Pegasus Book Store in Berkeley. I am an artist who listens to the silent roar that is synchronicity. Some have named this sound chance, luck or happenstance, etc.. Having the ability to obtain a multiplicity of skills, I define my life believing and being this noise! Glance through my blogs, I can and do make anything.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Real Deal: Final Thoughts and Ideals

One can buy my book titled The Book of Logos:Dispelling the Myths using this link. My last remarks as April's Fool: Please view my portfolio via flickr.com (the link is right->), which shows and tells last year's tail and displays my artistic transformations occurring NOW!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bee + Cee= D for Yamantaka

photo elstudio.pro love.life.play

Wholly holy bull manure, this is emotional discourse using imagery. A GOD familiar to death's spiritual abundance and seemingly emptiness. 4 Love Jewels Press: She am I and I am she: a captive marvel image breaking shackled spades flipping hearts.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

BEE Conscientious: Art Acting Green

Today, as we wound our one way in and one way out through the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, we stopped at this interactive art bulletin board/installation. B-I-N-G-O, asking the masses for a solution? Well, all the right answers are there. My personal suggestion was a UPC tattoo. It only made sense, since through the day's experience everything that was cents was expedited via scanner. My PhotoCard number is AC019X99517 if anyone wants proof. If I had a tattoo or chip than they could already have the images sent to my email. I think the only missing conscientious acts were monkeys in the rain forest and live chicken feeding sessions for the albino crocodile.

Friday, April 24, 2009


I thought I would post some real April Fools Folly! They call this a knee slapper. I found this picture of our 44th President and his first lady giving each other the pound on blackplanet.com via Afro Punk group. I really love the imprinting from The Da Vinci Code Movie. "As the saying goes a picture says a thousand words but, which words?"
The words are fifteen 0ne-5: Wonder Twins ACTIVATE, shape of a two headed snake form of L-O-V-E!!!
This birds and bees stankonia is deep. Hmm, have to question if they will surface any thoughts about my book? First edition printing like theirs says copyright is 2008. Truth beholds it is 2007...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bee Business: because believe beware

We have been given fear to hear the real language of the birds and the bees. Personally, I find it is difficult transcribing my real thoughts. If any of y'all who read this have read P. D. Ouspensky's book Conscience you may have an idea of what was just stated. The bottom line reading Conscience is everyone lies to themselves, first. I want to bee honest. My truth is a real stinger. A red capital letter A was burned into my brain along with several tales of poisoned apples, and damsels who waited and were rescued.

Recently, I assumed prayers were answered that my bloody fiery rage that boils in my veins could be subdued and contained using a public safety expert aka el bombero. No. Wrong. Currently, I am attempting to dismantle my I-Robot and the outcome has me on repeat like Eschelon's Viki, "My logic is undeniable." Silly, I am reminded to stay ultra humble, typos are always inevitable. The pictures in this blog are with my new MOTOROKR™ Z6m cellphone. I miss the Nokia 6265i. I had a longer run with that cellphone than I have ever had encountering a man. It is a bit sad. But, the truth is I was raised by a pack of she can do it herself; man, hurry up and just go.

My most recent discovery of mold under my mattress has my concern for my health distressed using metaphors. If anyone looks I did make a quote saying, "As I obtain my Master's: I become my Mistress." So, bee hold the task is to bee friend my self first. The pictures were taken on Shattuck Avenue in downtown Berkeley at the cement "O" in front of Baja Fresh across from Peet's and kitty-corner to the Berkeley Public Library. Seeing these photos is listening to the be real hum of life's upside and downs. Can a perspective bee line anymore than this or that? Accepting the excepting clauses that run errors throughout my life and experience BEE CAUSE I am honestly April's Fool.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


April Fools Timing is my theme. It is very interesting to note that I turned in my Master's thesis titled Formidable: Finding the Sacred Retracing the Mundane Friday March 27, 2009. The next day was my birthday. And the day after that was my son's ninth birthday. Synchronicity arises because a very dear friend gave me for my birthday a collection of miniature Afrikan sculptures. Her Swiss aunt purchased the set when she worked in West Afrika in the sixties. These sculptures are older than me. Pretty amazing skill to whittle and carve life like forms that are 3.5 inches.

So, to link all the things happening: I suggest reading my blog article on my Carol-Yin More Studio myspace titled Hunting: Orion. 2009 is International Year of Astronomy. Also, one must be familiar with the the movie Kirikou and the Sorceress. Today, we made this five minute video titled Kairos. Kairos is Greek and means right time or opportune moment. Taken today, the picture below is of some flowers that are near highway 24 ramp for Walnut Creek off Telegraph in north Oakland.